Tutorial 3,
Configuring the Privacy Functions

Configuring the Privacy Functions
Now let's configure the Privacy Functions.  You can open up the Privacy Functions property sheet by opening the Guard-IE Settings/Control Panel and pressing the "Privacy" tab as seen below:
Every time you visit a web site that places a cookie on your machine, that cookie, and the domain it is from, is displayed in the Cookie Display (the large white area in this form). 

Double-click any of the domains displayed above for a list of cookies from that domain (e.g. someaddress.com).  Double-click any of the displayed cookies for more information about that particular cookie.

To remove cookies immediately after shutting down your browser, simply check the "Unwanted Cookies" box.  If you wish to RETAIN cookies from some domain, simply check the actual domain in the Cookie Display.

Check the other history boxes to remove all trace of your browser history, form history, password history, etc. upon existing the last instance of Internet Explorer.

If you wish to IMMEDIATELY remove any histories/cookies, click the small red circles with a white X in them.
Next:  Configuring the Script-Functions and Script-Ad Blocker